St. Mary's Legacy Society
A society for those who have chosen to include St. Mary's in their will, trust or as a beneficiary of an asset.
Join the Saint Mary's Legacy Society. By notifying St. Mary's that we are included in your deferred giving plans, we welcome you into the Saint Mary's Legacy Society. An annual fall luncheon will be held to honor members of the society. Complete this document and email this document to or mail it to St. Mary's Parish, Attention Development Director, 311 4th St. N, Humboldt, IA 50548.
Would you like more information about how to include Saint Mary's in your estate plans? Development Director Suzanne Newton is available to visit with you. Suzanne has planned giving experience and can confidentially help you with your long-term giving plans.
Suggested language to use in your will or trust
I/We give, devise and bequeath to St. Mary's Catholic Church in Humboldt, Iowa, ______(percent of my/our estate, dollars, property, farmland, etc.) to be used for _______ (however you wish your gift to be used or unrestricted support) at St. Mary's Catholic Church.